Winston Baseball
All-Star Player and Coach Selection Process
1. Any Coach, who nominates a player from their regular season team, must first discuss with the player’s parents their desire to nominate the player. The Coach should explain what All-Stars entails, (ex: approximate cost, the length of the All-Star season, etc.)
2. A Coach must nominate a minimum of four (4) players in each age group from their team, if there are enough age appropriate players on the team. (Ex. 4- 7 year olds and 4- 8 year olds)
3. A Coach cannot vote for players from his/her regular season team.
4. A Coach must vote for seven (7) players from each age group.
5. After all Coaches have voted, the ballots will be counted by members of the Winston Baseball Board of Directors.
6. The top 7 players with the most votes will be locked in to the first All-Star team. There can be more players locked in due to ties in votes.
7. Players, who are locked in on the first All-Star team and turn it down, will not be considered for the second All-Star team if there is a second All-Star team.
8. The remaining roster spots will be filled through an Open Tryout, evaluated by the first team All-Star Head Coach and Assistant Coaches of his/her choosing. If there is a second All-Star team, the Head Coach and Assistant Coaches of his/her choosing will also attend the Open Tryout and evaluate the players. The date, time and place for the Open Tryout will be determined by the Board of Directors.
9. Once the Open Tryout for All-Stars is complete, the Head Coach for the first All-Star team must submit their completed roster to the Board of Directors the same day. If there is a second All-Star team, the Head Coach has 48 hours to complete the All-Star team roster and submit it to the Board of Directors.
10. The Head Coach for each All-Star team will be responsible for contacting the player’s parents and notifying them their child has made the All- Star team.
11. In some divisions, the age groups may be combined to form the second All-Star team. If there is an age combined All-Star team, the All-Star team must play in the higher age group. (Example: combined 7 year olds and 8 year olds, must play in 8U age group)
Head Coach Selection Process
1. All-Star Head Coaches will come from a list of interested parties who submitted their names to the Board of Directors. Any regular season coach, Head or Assistant, can submit their names for consideration.
2. The Board of Directors will meet, discuss and vote on the Head Coaches for each All-Star team. The Board of Directors will make the selection based on several different factors to include, but not limited to, the interested parties’ ability as a coach, any complaints or praises received during the regular season, previous All-Star coaching experience and their ability to represent Winston Baseball with the highest regard and utmost sportsmanship both on the baseball field and off.
3. Each All-Star team will consist of the Head Coach and three (3) Assistant Coaches per Dizzy Dean Common Rule 19:03.
All-Star teams may start practicing on scheduled days after the End of Season Tournament. The practices will be scheduled through the same manner as the regular season. Coaches should send their practice requests to the scheduler so they can be placed on the Winston Baseball website calendar.
Uniforms & Equipment
Winston Baseball All-Star uniforms will consist of the following:
- Colors are Red, White, Navy Blue and Gray
- Hats must have the Winston “W” on the front
- The jersey must have “Winston” on the front
- Coaches will wear either a Polo style shirt or shirt the same as the team uniform.
- Coaches will wear khaki shorts (all same color). **NO CARGO SHORTS**
Winston Baseball will pay entry fees for Dizzy Dean District and State tournaments only. Gate fees will be paid by the All-Star team. Winston Baseball will collect these Gate Fees from each All-Star team and distribute a check to the Tournament Director at each site.
Any other tournaments an All-Star team wishes to participate in, the entry fees and gate fees will be the responsibility of each All Star team.
Any team planning to participate in the Dizzy Dean World Series shall notify the Board of Directors. The deposit for the World Series must be paid for by the All-Star team.
Finances and Budget
Each All-Star team shall be responsible for raising or collecting the funds necessary to cover their team's cost of participation. This includes, but is not limited to: uniforms, catching equipment, baseballs, batting helmets, travel expenses, tournament entry fees not covered by the association, sponsorship banner, trophies, team parties and sponsorship acknowledgement.
A detailed income and expense report will be maintained by the Treasurer and each All-Star team. All funds received are to be turned in to the Treasurer. The Board of Directors strongly recommends that cash is not to be accepted. In the event this cannot be avoided, you will supply the sponsor with a receipt for all monies received. All cash is to be turned in to the Treasurer. Attach the original and one copy of all checks to be turned in for deposit. Write your All-Star team name on each check to ensure proper credit of your team funds. If this procedure is not followed, the monies or checks will not be accepted.
Winston Baseball will not issue checks to individuals. Checks will be issued to verifiable companies and/or organizations when presented with an invoice/receipt and a Sponsorship Form.
Any and all funds not used during tournament team play will become part of Winston Baseball’s General Fund after August 31st.
Equipment purchased with funds raised by an All-Star team shall be distributed among those players who contributed to or raised funds through sponsorships for the All-Star team. This shall be done through a blind draw or a fair process agreed upon by the parents and coaches of the All-Star team.
All-Star Documentation
All-Star team Head Coaches are required to provide the following within two (2) weeks of the team roster being set:
(a) Tournament Team Roster (must be typed) completed, with each player listed in alphabetical order by last name, as the name appears on the birth certificate. The name of the team each player played on during regular season, complete address and the correct date of birth. Coaches must be listed with complete address and phone numbers. Tournament Team Roster must be signed by current Winston Baseball President and notarized. Six (6) originals of these forms must be submitted.
(b) Birth Certificate - A photocopy of a birth certificate will be accepted, provided it is stamped and notarized as a true copy of the same signed by one or both parents of the player.
(c) A Dizzy Dean Medical Release Form must be completed and signed by a parent of each player.
(d) Copy of the current Winston Baseball Certificate of Insurance.
(e) A 5 x 7 team photo: all names written on back of the rear of the photo. Identify each player and Coach as they appear on the front from left to right.
(f) Individual picture of each player.
These forms need to be placed in a 3 ring binder with sheet protectors. The following order is the way the 3 ring binder needs to be set up:
- The six (6) notarized Tournament Team Rosters
- Birth certificates, Dizzy Dean Medical Release Form and individual photo of the player in alphabetical order as provided on the Tournament Team Rosters. The birth certificate should be facing front and the Dizzy Dean Medical Release Form and player photo should be facing back.
- Winston Baseball Certificate of Insurance (provided by Board of Directors)
- 5x7 Team photo
This Policy was voted on and approved by the Winston Baseball Board of Directors
April 6, 2017